To move your guides, hover the mouse over the guide until you see the cursor change to a double arrow shape, at which time you can click-drag to adjust its position. Compare the difference between having Snap to Guides checked or unchecked. To see how this works, make an arbitrary frame, then drag it near a guide. Next, make sure you have checked Page > Snap to Guides. If you don't see anything, make sure you have View > Show Guides checked in the menu. Click-dragging from the ruler will create vertical guides, and from the top ruler, horizontal guides. The simplest method to add guides is to click and drag from the ruler areas. The grid is typically more demanding, since it often requires page-by-page decisions about sizing and placing of various elements. Note that images or illustrations may span two or more columns.

Click the third button from the left in the Edit Master Pages dialog, after which you select the document and the particular items you wish to import. You can also can import Master Pages from another document. With the current stable versions of Scribus, Master Pages are always operating as a background to any other content on the page, thus it will always show underneath the lowest layer of your document page.
#Scribus snap to grid series#
by applying a Master Page to a series of pages.by applying a Master Page to an individual page.by assigning the Master Page when a new page is inserted.You can assign Master Pages in three ways: Next, select a name for this new Master Page, and also note that you can select to copy the items from whatever Master Page may have been applied to the document page. It is possible to make a Master Page from a regular document page, by selecting from the menu Page > Convert to Master Page. Close the Edit Master Pages dialog to revert to displaying and editing document pages. Note that whenever the Edit Master Pages dialog is open, you see on the canvas and are editing Master Pages, not the document page. In addition to the above two methods for editing Master Pages, you can choose Edit > Master Pages from the main menu. Double-clicking on a Master Page will bring up the Edit Master Pages dialog.
#Scribus snap to grid windows#
Arrange Pagesīy clicking Windows > Arrange Pages you bring up another dialog, which also lists your Master Pages and document pages, but in addition can be used for navigation as well, but also assigning or reassigning Master Pages to various document pages. Clicking on a Master Page brings up the Edit Master Pages dialog, in addition to displaying the Master Page for editing. You can use this to navigate to each to these items for editing.

This bring up a tree display of your currently open documents, and underneath, the list of Master Pages, and each document page. You can bring up a dialog showing an outline of your document(s) with Windows > Outline. Typical objects on a Master Page might be titles with associated graphics, and a page number.