The Bedfordshire International Foundation Year (IFY) offers guaranteed progression* to a wide range of our undergraduate degrees, for those applicants who do not have the required qualifications or English language proficiency to join the first year of their chosen subject. Develop key transferable skills such as critical and analytical thinking.Take on real-work creative briefs from the local film community - including Luton Culture and Clearhead Productions - as well as our in-house agency Media Junction.Learn from an academic team with key roles in the British film industry, many of whom have made documentaries and dramas for TV, cinema and gallery exhibitions.It gives you the skills you need in digital technology to be an independent film-maker producing low-budget projects, corporate promotions, event profiles and much more.Study in our industry-standard production and post-production studio facilities, giving you a head-start if you wish to set up your own production company.It offers a unique 70/30 practice/theory balance.You also work independently on a special film project of your own choosing. You go on to study essential skills such as freelancing both fiction and non-fiction film-making and writing for the screen. In your first year, you explore creating content film production and making images and sound. It is particularly relevant if you’re thinking of starting up your own film production company. The degree offers a business-based approach to film production, providing you with the knowledge and expertise you need to establish a successful career in this fast-paced, exciting field. With its strong emphasis on real-world and real-work experience, this industry-facing, entrepreneurial-focused course gives you the skills you need to achieve success in the business of film-making.